

7bros.net welcomes you. These are the terms and conditions governing your access to and use of the website 7bros.net and its related sub-domains, sites, services and tools (the "Site"). By accepting these terms and conditions(including the linked information herein), and by using the Site, you represent that you agree to comply with these terms and conditions with 7bros.net “SEVEN BROTHERS TRADING AND CONTRACTING LLC” ("we", "us" or "7bros.net ") in relation to your use of the Site (the "User Agreement"). This User Agreement is effective upon acceptance. If you do not agree to be bound by this User Agreement please do not access, register with or use this Site.


Before you may become or continue as a member of the Site, you must read, agree with and accept this User Agreement and 7bros.net ’s Privacy Policy (the"Privacy Policy"). You should read this User Agreement and the Privacy Policy and access and read all further linked information referred to in this User Agreement, as such information contains further terms and conditions that apply to you as a user of 7bros.net . Such linked information including but not limited to the Privacy Policy is hereby incorporated by reference into this User Agreement.


2. Eligibility For Membership


7bros.net wishes to ensure that its members are able to form legally binding contracts and further that minors do not purchase unsuitable content. Therefore membership of the Site is not available to persons under the age of 18 years. You represent that you are 18 years of age or over the age of 18 years before you become a member of the Site. Without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of 7bros.net under this User Agreement or at law, 7bros.net reserves the right to limit or withdraw access to the Site or the membership of any person if 7bros.net believes that person is under the age of 18 years. The Site is not available to persons whose membership has been suspended or withdrawn by 7bros.net . No person may register as a member of the Site more than once.


3. Your Account And Registration Obligations


Whenyou register as a member of the Site you have been or will be required to providecertain information and register a username and password for use on this Site.


On Becoming A Member Of The Site, You Agree:
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of, and restricting access to and use of, your account and password, and accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account and password. You agree to immediately notify 7bros.net of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security. In no event will 7bros.net liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or loss of profits, goodwill or damage whatsoever resulting from the disclosure of your username and/or password. You may not use another person`s account at any time, without the express permission of the account holder. You agree to reimburse 7bros.net for any improper, unauthorized or illegal use of your account by you or by any person obtaining access to the Site, services or otherwise by using your designated username and password, whether or not you authorized such access.
You will provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by 7bros.net `s registration form (the "Registration Data").
You will not include: (1) any of your contact details, including but not limited to email addresses, telephone numbers or other personal details; or (2) the word "7bros.net" in your registration user ID.
You will treat any other member`s information provided to you (in accordance with these terms of use and the information on the Site) by 7bros.net or any other user as confidential.
You will maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete or if 7bros.net has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or not in accordance with this User Agreement, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of 7bros.net under this User Agreement or at law, 7bros.net has the right to indefinitely suspend, limit or withdraw your access to the Site and/or your membership of the Site.

7bros.net may (in its sole discretion and at any time), make any inquiries it considers necessary (whether directly or through a third party), and request that you provide it with further information or documentation, including without limitation to verify your identity and/or ownership of your financial instruments. Without limiting the foregoing, if you are a business entity or registered on behalf of a business entity such information or documentation may include your trade license, other incorporation documents and/or documentation showing any person`s authority to act on your behalf. You agree to provide any information and/or documentation to 7bros.net upon such requests. You acknowledge and agree that if you do not, 7bros.net without liability may limit, suspend or withdraw your access to the Site and/or your membership of the Site. We also reserve the right to cancel unconfirmed / unverified accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time.


4. Electronic Communications


You agree that we may communicate with you by email or by posting notices on the Site. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. 7bros.net requires your agreement during the registration process to send you promotional emails to let you know about any new changes, features or promotional activities added to the Site. If, at any time, you decide that you do not wish to receive promotional emails, you can opt out of receiving such promotional emails by clicking on thelink at the bottom of any promotional email.


5. Amendments To This User Agreement


You acknowledge and agree that 7bros.net shall endeavor to give you notice for any amendment to this User Agreement that materially increases your obligations or decreases your rights under the User Agreement ("Substantial Amendment") in accordance with the terms of this User Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that 7bros.net at its sole discretion and without liability may make amendments that are not Substantial Amendments without your further specific agreement at any time with immediate effect by posting a notice of the amendment on the Site.


6. Fees And Services

 The Site is an online platform allowing for the sale of items between SEVEN BROTHERS TRADING AND CONTRACTING LLC and buyers. Membership on the Site is free. 7bros.net 

does not charge any fee for browsing and buying listed items on the Site. 
7bros.net may choose to temporarily change the fees for our services for promotional events (for example, free shipping days) or new services, and such temporary changes are effective in accordance with their terms when we post them on the Site.


7. 7bros.net Safest Payments

 7bros.net ’SAFEST PAYMENTS protects buyers by providing a safe shopping atmosphere & verified payment service. With 7bros.net 

payment system, transactions are100% guaranteed to be safe & secure!

When buyers pay, through different payment options, for their purchase through 7bros.net 
Safest Payment, the payment is protected to the customers. Afterpayment verification, the 7bros.net s hips the item(s). 7bros.net 
tracks the shipped merchandise and verifies the delivery to the customer. Any comments the customer may have, should be reported to 7bros.net 
within 24 hours.


8. Copyright

All content included on the Site, including but not limited to text, graphics,logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations and software, is the property and copyright work of either 7bros.net , its users, its content suppliers or its licensors and is protected by copyright ,trademarks, patents or other intellectual property rights and laws. The compilation of the content on the Site is the exclusive property and copyright of 7bros.net 
and is protected by copyright, trademarks, patents or other intellectual property rights and laws.


9. Trademarks

"7bros.net "and related logos, and other words and logos on the Site (including withoutlimitation "7bros.net Safest Payment") are either unregisteredtrademarks or registered trademarks of 7bros.net and are protected byinternational trademark and other intellectual property rights and laws. 7bros.net `strademarks may not be used in connection with any product or service that isnot 7bros.net ’s nor in any manner that disparages or discredits 7bros.net .All other trademarks not owned by 7bros.net that appear on the Site are theproperty of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with,connected to, or sponsored by 7bros.net .


10. Abusing 7bros.net 

Pleasereport problems of any kind or violations of this User Agreement to7bros.net . If you believe that your intellectual property rights have beenviolated, please notify 7bros.net . Without prejudice to any other rights andremedies of 7bros.net under this User Agreement or at law, 7bros.net maylimit, suspend or withdraw a user`s access to the Site and/or a user`smembership of the Site or remove hosted content. Also 7bros.net can choose totake other technical and/or legal steps against users who create problems orpossible legal liabilities of any kind, who infringe the intellectual propertyrights of third parties or who act inconsistently with this User Agreement orour policies.


11. Online Shopper Protection

 7bros.net has a "SHOPPER PROTECTION PROGRAM" which seeks to assist buyers toensure their purchase is protected against fraud by any sellers on the Site. Ifa buyer has purchased an item by way of any of the 7bros.net SAFEST PAYMENTS processes and never received it or received an item worth significantly less invalue compared to what was described by the seller, the buyer may seek protection under the ONLINE SHOPPER PROTECTION PROGRAM. The Shopper ProtectionProgram involves reimbursement by 7bros.net to the buyer of the value of theitem only. To be eligible under the Shopper Protection Program a buyer needs tofile a complaint with 7bros.net within 48 hours of receiving (or not receiving) the relevant item. 7bros.net will investigate the matter and if ithas been determined (by 7bros.net in its sole discretion) that the seller hasintentionally defrauded the buyer in relation to the item for which 7bros.net has reimbursed the buyer, 7bros.net may limit, suspend or withdraw theProduct Seller’s access to the Site and/or the seller`s membership and7bros.net may charge the seller for 7bros.net `s costs in reimbursing thebuyer and for any handling and shipping (in accordance with the Fees &Credit Policy . 7bros.net reserves the right to take such further steps as itconsiders necessary including without limitation legal action. You acknowledgeand agree that if any item returned to 7bros.net by a buyer is illegal orotherwise unlawful that 7bros.net may in its sole discretion destroy the itemor take any other steps as it considers necessary.

·Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with thiswebsite shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Oman.

 ·Sultanate of Oman is our country of domicile.

·If you make a payment for our products or services on ourwebsite, the details you are asked to submit will be provided directly to ourpayment provider via a secured connection. 

 ·The cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and Merchant policies and rules.

12. Privacy

 7bros.net takes reasonable measures (physical, organizational and technological) tosafeguard against unauthorized access to your personally identifiable information and to safely store your personally identifiable information.However, the Internet is not a secure medium and the privacy of your personalinformation can never be guaranteed. 7bros.net has no control over thepractices of third parties (e.g. website links to this Site or third partieswho misrepresent themselves as you or someone else). You agree that 7bros.net may process your personal information that you provide to it for the purposes of providing the services on 7bros.net and for sending marketing communications to you, and that the Privacy Policy of this Site governs our collection, processing, use and any transfer of your personally identifiable information.